
Welcome to DongGuan Paoo Lubricant CO.,Ltd!

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Paoo Hotline 189-2375-2888


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Turbine oil

Turbine oil
Service Hotline:0769-87781827


product manual汽轮机油.jpg

Boao rust-proof high-quality anti-rust turbine oil using a selection of paraffinic base oil blending together; is an excellent anti-rust, anti-oxidation turbine lubricants.

Performance characteristics
Low carbon content, high flash point;
Higher viscosity index makes the product has excellent viscosity-temperature;
Excellent anti-oxidation, rust and defoaming performance, long service life;
Boao turbine oil are up to ASTM turbine oil life.


Boao rust-proof high-quality anti-rust turbine oil can be used directly to the side of the steam turbine pressure cycle and turbine generator bearing lubrication;
Single-stage gear reduction of the turbine lubrication, can also be used for the same marine turbine lubrication; at the same time can be used for industrial gas turbine gear lubrication;
Hydraulic systems and air compressors and require all types of industrial machinery with anti-rust anti-oxidation oil circulation system.
Typical data

project 32# 46# 68#
ISO viscosity grade 32 46 68
Specific gravity, Kg / l, @ 15 ° C 0.87 0.88 0.89
Flash point, ℃ 220 228 235
Kinematic viscosity cst, @ 40 ° C 32 46 68
Viscosity index 105 100 95
Pour point, ℃ -30 -28 -28
Foam qualified qualified qualified
Copper corrosion, 100 ° C / 3 hours 1A 1A 1A

For complete material information, refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet!


  Contact Paoo


  DongGuan Paoo Lubricant CO.,Ltd
  National Service Hotline: 400-880-3978/0769-87781837/87781827
  Company Address:Guangdong Province, Dongguan City, South City Plaza, 1601 Huakai
  TEL:0769-21689077   FAX:0769-21689079
  Factory Address: Dongguan City, Zhangmutou Town Yufeng Management District
  TEL:0769-87788877  FAX:0769-87710343
  Home Page: haipierp.com


Contact Us

DongGuan Paoo Lubricant CO.,Ltd
DongGuan Paoo Lubricant CO.,Ltd


Miss Xia:138-2927-9228

Mr. Zhang:189-2375-2888


Home Page:haipierp.com

Address:Dongguan City, Zhangmutou Town Yufeng Management District